How to select the right RPO?

We know what an RPO is, because Bohiyaanam Talent has a blog for that! We also have a base knowledge of the different types of models of RPO, because Bohiyaanam Talent has a blog for that too! But we will be refreshing our memories so we can understand how to select the right kind of […]
What are 4 different Types of RPO Model

Over the past few years, recruitment process outsourcing has grown in popularity as a recruiting strategy. Flexibility, scalability, and speed, three of RPO’s main advantages, have struck a chord with businesses as they scale up their workforces. Despite the fact that commercial and operational demands are running well, it is difficult for enterprises to acquire […]
What is RPO and why your organization might need RPO?

More and more organisations are searching for better, more effective ways to hire talent without having to create an internal army of recruiters as competition for the finest personnel intensifies. An easy way to get just that is – Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), a highly successful recruitment strategy that has been embraced with success by […]